Scientific works&Patents

  1. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2024). Research Strategy of the Studying Trends for Graduates' Employability of Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study. Journal of Service, Innovation and Sustainable Development / ISSN: 2709-9210/ DOI: 10.33168/SISD.2024.010


  3. Ruizan Mekvabidze. Roman Smietamski (2023). Exploratiion of Employment Platform for the Education Policy of Georgia Through synergy Of the Potatial Actors : What do They Think and What can They not Regulate. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 2022, Vol. 11,No. 2, pages: 155-174.                

  4. Ruizan Mekvabidze, Roman Smiatanski (2022). "Research and Research in Practice" Teaching within Higher Education: Graduates, Employers, and Higher Education Face-to-Face to the Competitive Job Market Requirements. Journal of Service, Innovation and Sustainable Development Vol. 3 (2022) No. 2, pp. 39-50 DOI:10.33168/SISD.2022.0203

  5. Ruizan Mekvabidze. Roman Smietamski (2022). Transformation of Education in Context of the Competitive Job Market Requirements: An Anaysis of the University potential in Terms of Research skills for Students to the Competitive Job Market Requirements. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 2022, Vol. 10,No. 1, pages: 155-174.
  6. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2022). Higher Education and Employment under the Competitive Job Market. The 15th International Scientific Conference “ Education,Science, Innovation in the Post-Pandemic Period”, 15-16 December, 2022
  7. Ruizan Mekvabidze. Roman Smietamski (2022). An Analysis of the University Educational Trend in terms of Developing Research skills for Students to the Competitive Job Market Requirements. The 15th International Scientific Conference “ Education,Science, Innovation in the Post-Pandemic Period”, 15-16 December, 2022
  8. Ruizan Mekvabidze, Roman Smietamski, Leszek karczewsky (2022).Gradutes, Employers, and Higher Education: Students’ skills Development to the Job Market Requirements. Erasmus Scientific Days, 17-18 October,2022, Marrakech-Morrocco. Book of Abstracts 1st edition: Cooperation and Research for Higher Education and Innovation, page 67. 2022/ ;
  9. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2022). Marketing strategy for the Craft Industry Development ( A case of Georgia). The 5th Scientific Conference on Craft: “ Craftsmanship – its local, regional and International Dimension “Craftsmanship –family Business and not Only””. CILRAID 2022, 9-10June, 2022. . Studia Monografie, Opole 2022,Politechnika Opolska. ISSN 1429-6063, ISBN: 978-83-66933-55-9
  10.  Mekvabidze Ruizan (2021). Fostering decision-making in practice in the teaching process (Study Module: Decision-making in practice for knowledge management). The 22nd conference of the International Federation of Operation Research Societies. Hanyang University in Seul, South Korea, August 22-27, 2021.

  11. Mekvabidze Ruizan (2021). Teaching - Learning of Business Sustainable Development: Business Stability as the function of the effective business process indicators. Journal of Service, Innovation and Sustainable Development, ISSN : 2709- 9210, Volume 2, No. 2, 2021,DOI:10.33168/SISD.2021.0204 P.53-70,

  12. Mekvabidze Ruizan (2021). Research problems and research questions and how they relate to debates in decision making facing the manager. International Conference of Gori State Teaching University, December 9-10 , 2021

  13. Mekvabidze Ruizan (2021). FOLLOWING EDUCATIONAL REFORMS: ISSUES AND PROBLEMS OF TRANSFORMATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION (A CASE OF GEORGIA). International Conference of Gori State Teaching University.

  14. Mekvabidze Ruizan (2020). From Business Modeling to Business Management: An Exploratory Study of the Optimal Decision Making on the Modern University Level. Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Vol. 7 (2020) No. 1, pp. 67-86. ISSN -2409-2665 ;
  15. Mekvabidze Ruizan (2020). Transforming Education Through the Managerial Decision Making on the Base of the Unified Information Space (UIS). Collection of Materials the Second International Scientific  and Practical Web-Forum  “ The Development  of the UNIFIED Open Information Space in Lifelong Education”,  March 25-27, 2020, Issue 2, Ukraine. УДК 37 (371:004)
  16. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2019).Teaching Research Business Methods. International Scientific  Conference, Opole University of Technology, October 29, 2019. Studia i Monografie, ISBN 978-83-66033-55-9, Opole 2019, P. 271-275
  17. Ruizan Mekvabidze,Roman Smietanski, Leszek Karczewski (2019). The Fourth Industrial Age and its impact on decision making optimization through knowledge creation accordingly of competitive market requirements. The 12th International Scientific Conference, Gori State Teaching University, 2019, 15-16 November.
  18. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2018). FOLLOWING  EDUCATIONAL REFORMS: ISSUES AND PROBLEMS OF TRANSFORMATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION  (A CASE OF GEORGIA). International conference, Gori  State Teaching University, November 2019
  19. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2018). Teaching Tomorrow-Today: Study Module of Business Management. 7th International Scientific conference “ Cultural, Social and ethical determinants of business, economy, management and national security”. Opole Technological University, Poland. ISSN 1429-6063, ISBN: 978-83-66033-20-8, Studia i Monografie z.490, pages: 191-2011
  20. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2018). Global Perspectives of Hotel Servoces and Hospitality Managenet Study: A case of Georgia. A Peer-reviewed Journal Sponsored by Beijing Jiaotong University, ISSN:1816-6075(Print)1818-0523(Online). Journal of System and Management Sciences, Vol.8., #3, pages: 1-26
  21. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2018). Traditional Crafts in Georgia: analysis, problems and development in prospect. The 2-nd Scientific Conference on Craft “ Craftsmanship – its Local, regional and International Dimension”, CILRAID. Opole, Poland, 11/05/2018, pages: 103-113 
  22. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2018). 20 years for Integrating of Gori University into the European Educational Area. (Book, A4, 131 pages, GEO-ENG version). UDC: 37(479.22+37(4)+005.8. ISBN 978-9941-26-140-4 Publishing House ”Universal”
  23. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2017). Following Educational Reforms: Framework of Knowledge Creation Research Through Student-Centered Teaching at the University. International conference of EDEN: Open Schools for Open Societies, 2017, 20-22/10/2017, in ATHENES(Greece) in the frame of Erasmus+ program.
  24. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2017).Research Methods in Tourism and Hotel management, (Text book). UDC: 338.488.2:640.41+519.87+005.642+004.415.2; ISBN:978-9941-26-039-1. Publishing House „UNIVERSAL“. Pages: 312A4, (In Georgian).
  25. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2016). Decision Making Technology in Practice Quantitative Methods and Models). Text book for MA Students of „Business Organization and Management". Publishing House:UNIVERSAL. UDC: 005.5+519.85(042.2.4)+519.863+519.863+ 519.873+005.311.7 ; ISBN:978-941-22- 860-5 Pages: 329 A4. (In Georgian)
  26. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2016). The knowledge triangle as a main educational aspect of learning outcome. Scientific Papers of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. Series: Pedagogiсal sciences, Issue 2. Berdyansk UDK: 378.001.89(082), ББК 74.480.46я5, Н 34. ISSN 2412-9208. Pages: 126-132
  27. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2015). Approaches to the Modern University: Student Engagement in Learning Outcome for Knowledge Creation According to the Competitive Market Requirements .ISSN 1816-6075, (Print), 1818-0523 (Online) Journal of System and Management Sciences Vol. 5 (2015) No. 4, pages: 1-30 Pages:1-32
  28. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2015). Study Module: Business Process Modeling. In the frame of Post-doc. Research. Erasmus Mundus BACKIS (EMA2-Lot5, Academic Year 2014- 2015) Scholarship (Agreement number 2012-2741/001-001EMA2). Publising House „ Universal“, 2015, Pp. 120
  29. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2015). Life in transition: Problems and solutions of internationalization of Higher education and Its Promotion. “European Journal of Transformation Studies” In the frame of Erasmus Mundus Exchange . (2015).programme BACKIS, Action 2 , Agreement # 2012-2741/001-001EMA2 (Post-doc programme). Pages: 12 A4
  30. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2015). Teaching Tomorrow – Today: Knowledge as an Integration of Teaching- Learning - Research (T-L-R). 10th International Silk Road Conference "EU Association Perspectives and Challenges" , International Black Sea University. 22-23 of May,Tbilisi. Journal #10. 
  31. Ruizan Mekvabidze, Jurgita Raudeliūnienė. Teaching of business modeling for business process management (2016). (in the frame the Erasmus Mundus Exchange Program BACKIS, Action 2, Agreement number 2012-2741/001-001EMA2). Materials of the International conference „Education in XXI century“. Gori State Teaching University, 2015, Pp.10A4
  32. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2014). Tea Khorguashvili, Davit Tchiotashvili, Tsiuri Duruli, Nana Akhalaia,Leila Mamulashvili, Maia Azmaiparashvili. Hotel Industry Development In Georgia: Demand and Supply of the Employment Market ( In the frame of the TEMPUS project 544191-Tempus-1-2013-1PT-JPCR) (in Georgian), Pages: 7A4
  35. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2014).The Crisis of Higher Education in Georgia: Issues and Problems of Educational Reforms. 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Conference Proceedings, EDULEARN14. ISBN: 978-84-0557- 3; ISSN: 2340-1117. 7-9 July, 2014. Barcelona, Spain
  36. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2013) . Decision Making Technology in Practice for Social Sciences”. Textbook (Introduction)f or the Magister students of Business administration, 2013, Pages: 123A4
  37. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2013). Thinking about learning environment of the 21th century. 5th International conference on education and new learning technologies. Conference Proceeding. ISBN: 978-84-616-3822-2. Barcelona,1-3 July, 2013. Pages: 4972-4980
  38. Ruizan Mekvabidze. Responding tomorrows world – following educational reforms in Georgia: Studying trends of transformation of economic education. 5th International conference on education and new learning technologies. Conference Proceeding. ISBN: 978-84-616-3822-2. Barcelona,1-3 July, 2013. Pages: 4961-4971
  39. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2012). Economic Inequality and Policy: Studying of the Inequality in Georgia. Fifth International Conference “Education, Research and Innovation”.Conference Proceeding. ISBN: 978-84-616-0763-1. Madrid, 19/11/12-21/11/12 Pages: 4308-4315
  40. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2012). Decision Making as an Integrating Study Process for Social Policy Analysis in Practice. Fifth International Conference “Education, Research and Innovation”. Conference Proceeding. ISBN: 978-84-616-0763-1 Madrid, 19/11/12-21/11/12 Pages: 4316-4324
  41. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2102). Decision Making Technology in Practice for Social Sciences”. International Euro-American conference provided by “ International journal of Art and Sciences”, Paris, 2012.
  42. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2012). Teaching tomorrow-today: Integration teaching, learning and research through management and corporative relations. International Euro-American conference provided by “ International journal of Art and Sciences”. Roma, October 29- November 1, 2012, 8A4.
  43. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2012). Folowing educational reforms:Analysis of the problems regarding economic research of education. International conference of Gori University „Education and Innovation“, 16-18 November, 2012. 7A4 (in Georgian) 
  44. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2011). Research as the Main Aspect for Knowledge Creation in the Frame the Modern Educational Reforms. International Technology, Education and Development Conference, INTED2011. Conference Proceeding. ISBN: 978-84-614- 7423-3. 7-9 March, Valencia, Spain. Pages: 003616-003622
  45. RuizanMekvabidze, ShalvaSreseli (2011). For the Module: Research TeachingMethods in Business Education (Georgia case in the Frame of the Modern Educational Reforms). International Technology, Education and Development Conference, INTED2011. Conference Proceeding. ISBN: 978-84-614-7423-3. 7-9 March, Valencia, Spain. Pages:003263-003268
  46. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2011). The Aspects of Education and Research for Knowledge Creation in the Frame of the Modern Higher Educational Reforms The Case of Georgia). International Congress on Knowledge, Economy & Management. October 28-31, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
  47. Ruizan Mekvabidze, D. Readly (2011). For decision making in business and economics. International conference of Gori State University, 15-18 November, 2011. Pp.6A4
  48. RuizanMekvabidze., E. japiashvili (2011). Tourism Development Policy and the resources of Gori and Gori region. International conference on Tourism Development in Georgia, Batumi State University, 2011 (in Georgian)
  49. Ruizan Mekvabidze(2011). Tourism and Economics: Tourism development perspectives (Gori and Gori Region).Conference of International Black Sea University, „Globalization and Security in Black and Caspian Seas Regions“. May, 2011, TbilisiBatumi/GEORGIA
  50. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2011).Tourism and Economics: Tourism development perspectives (Gori and Gori Region).Conference of International Black Sea University, „Globalization and Security in Black and Caspian Seas Regions“. May, 2011, TbilisiBatumi/GEORGIA. Organizers: International Black Sea University, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, National Security Council of Georgia.
  51. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2011). Following Educational Reforms: Research methods for preparing of the specialists of economic profile. Conference of Gori State University, 2011. Pp.10 A4 (in Georgian)
  52. RuizanMekvabidze., TsiuriDuruli (2011). In the Frame of the Educational Reforms in Georgia: In pursuit of Sustainable Learning Environment. International Conference “ The Future of Education”. 16-17 June, 2011, Florence,Italy. „Innovative Teaching and Learning Methodologies“
  53. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2011). The Problems and Objectives of Economics of Education in Georgia.ICBME 7th International Conference on Business, Management and Economics.October 06-08, 2011, YASAR University, Izmir, Turkey.
  54. Ruizan Mekvabidze. PikriaMekvabidze (2010). Education and Research as the Main Asprcts of Knowledge Creation. The third International conference “Education and Development of ”Gori State University, 12 October, 2010, pp.59-63 . (in Georgian)
  55. Ruizan Mekvabidze. Pikria Mekvabidze (2010). Tourism and economics: Tourism business in a global environment. Materials of Workshop „ Supporting economic development of Georgia“, financed by US Embassy in Georgia, 2010. 9A5 Publisher: „Universal“. ISBN 978-9941-12-921-6.
  56. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2010). Tourism tomorrow: Educational and research aspects . Materials of Workshop „ Supporting economic development of Georgia“, financed by US Embassy in Georgia, 2010. 10A5: „Universal“. ISBN 978-9941-12-921-6. 
  57. Ruizan Mekvabidze. Salary Curves: Econometric Research for Gori Region.The third International conference “Education and Development of ”Gori State University, 12 October, 2010, pp.173-177 . . (in Georgian)
  58. Ruizan Mekvabidze. PikriaMekvabidze (2009).The Aspects of Globalization of Economic Processes.International Scientific -Practical Conference “Globalization, World Crisis and South Caucasus. Kutaisi, Publishing House: “Innovation”16-17 May, 2009, pp.82-87.
  59. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2009). Economics of Education: Economical aspects of education and its research problems.Co-Authored.International Scientific -Practical Conference “Globalization, World Crisis and South Caucasus. Kutaisi, Publishing House: “Innovation”, 16-17 May, 2009, pp.205-212.
  60. Ruizan Mekvabidze.Followingeducational reforms in Georgia: The role of decision – making learning for economic education. The Second International conference “New Trends in Education and Research” of Gori University, Publishing House: “Universal”, 2-3 October, 2009, pp. 142-147.
  61. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2009). Economics and Econometrics: Heteroscedasttic testing for the econometric model building. Materials of the Scientific Conference devoted academics Sergi Djikia. University of Akhaltsikhe, 2009. Pp. 6 (in Georgian)
  62. Ruizan Mekvabidze, Mamulashvili L.(2009). Business organization: Practical advices regarding to business planning. Materials of the Scientific Conference devoted academics Sergi Djikia. University of Akhaltsikhe, 2009. Pp. 8 (in Georgian)
  63. Ruizan Mekvabidze, Tsotniashvili Z. (2008). In the frame of educational reforms in Georgia: In pursuit of sustainable learning environment. Workshop materials „Following educational reforms in Georgia“. 25-28 June, 2008. Gori University, Georgia. Pp.11
  64. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2008). For evaluation of curriculum design’s transformation. Workshop materials „Following educational reforms in Georgia“. 25-28 June, 2008. Gori University, Georgia. Pp.10
  65. Ruizan Mekvabidze For Economic Higher Education in Georgia: Teaching and Learning as a Research Process. The first international conference of Gori University, 3-4 October, 2008. Pp.7
  66. Ruizan Mekvabidze, Tsotniashvili Z. Mamulashvili L.(2008). The integration of Black Sea Basin Countries. Materials of Internatinal conference : „ The prospects of integration in Central Caucasus“. Tbilisi State Economic University, 2008. Pp.7, (in Georgian)
  67. Ruizan Mekvabidze, Tsotniashvili Z. (2008). Transformation of education in the frame of the developing ICT. Abstract for the conference of University of Georgia, 18 May, 2008. Pp.2 (in Georgian)
  68. Ruizan Mekvabidze, ZazaTsotniashvili (2008). Georgian Universities’ Role in the Partnership Development of the Black Sea Region. “Forum in Higher Education” , Congress of Black Sea Universities Network under the auspices of the UNESCOCEPES. Kyiv, Ukraine. April 2-5, 2008
  69. Ruizan Mekvabidze, Tsotniashvili Z.(2008). Georgian Universities Role in the Partnership Development of the Black Sea Region. The Congress of the Black Sea  Region deicated to the anniversary of the black sea universities network,. April, 2008. Pp.8
  70. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2007. Curricula, Syllabi Design and Teaching Methods for the Module “Quantitative Economic Methods and Models”.4th International Silk Road Symposium ”New Trends in Higher Education”, International Black Sea University by supported of the Ministry of education and Science of Georgia. Tbilisi, Georgia, 4-6 May, 2007, pp.317-324.
  71. Ruizan Mekvabidze. Practical Aspect of Knowledge Management in Education. The First International Conference “Knowledge for Life” of Gori University, 3-4 October, 2008, pp.98-103.
  72. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2008). For the Modern curricula design of transformation in economics. Materials of workshop“ Following educational reforms Georgia: Foe Supporting of higher economic and profecional education“. 25-27 June, 2008. Publisher: „Universal“, ISBN -978-994-12-318-4. 9A5
  73. RuizanMekvabidze (2008). For Modern Curricula Design of Transformation in Economic Education. Following educational reforms in Georgia: For Supporting of Higher Economic and Professional Education. Workshop by financial support of US Embassy in Georgia. ISBN 978 9941 12-318-4, Publisher: “Universal”, Gori State University, 25-27 June, 2008. pp.30-39.
  74. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2007). New trends in higher education: QEM ( Quantitative economic models). The 4th international Silk Road Symposium provided by Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and International Black Sea University. 4-6 May, 2007. Pp.13
  75. Ruizan Mekvabidze, Pikria Mekvabidze (2007). Georgia: Migration and its socialeconomic aspects. Collection of Scientific Works of Gori University #3, 2007, 6A4. (in Georgian)
  76. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2005). . Educational Systems and current high educational reforms in Georgia. Publisher: GSU, 2005, pages: 125 –A5 (in Georgian)
  77. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2004). Georgia under of the poverty line. Journal „Intelect“ #3(14). ISSN 1512-0333, 2004. Pp. 3 A4 (in Georgian)
  78. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2002). ICT and distance learning. Transactions of Gori State University. Publisher: „Lampari“, 2002 (In Georgian)
  79. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2002). The role of ICT for distance learning development. Collection of Scientific Works of Gori University #2, 2002, 5A4. (in Georgian)
  80. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2001). Handbook for solving of tasks in Econometrics, Publisher: GSU, 2001, Pages: 54-A4 (in Russian)
  81. Ruizan Mekvabidze (2001). The course of lectures on Econometrics. Publisher: GSU, 2001, pages: 194-A5 (in Georgian)
  82. Ruizan Mekvabidze, Valentin Mdzinarishvili, Tina Tatulashvili (1994) Mathematical Methods of optimization of economical systems. Publisher: Samtavisi, 1994, pages: 395A5 (in Georgian)
  83. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1994). Optimization in simulation modeling. Report on Republic conference, 1994, Gori (in Russian)
  84. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1989). Methodical instructions of correlation and regression analyses for practice for high economic institutions. Report for seminar „ Actual problems of increase of studying for economic faculty“ Tbilisi State University,1989, pp. 15 A4
  85. Ruizan Mekvabidze. (1989). The General course on statistics (part I). Publisher: GSU, Tbilisi, 1989, Georgia. Pp.:237-A4 (in Georgian)
  86. Ruizan Mekvabidze. Valentin Mdzinarishvili (1987). Methodical instructions for practice on course of „Mathematical programming“. Publisher: Tbilisi State University, 1987, Georgia. Pp: 87A5 (in Georgian)
  87. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1989). The methods for practical classes in mathematics practice for the economic institutions. Publisher: Tbilisi State University, 1989, Georgia.Pp. 72A4 (in Georgian)
  88. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1989). Methodology of Correlation-Regression studying for the economic institutions. The Material of the seminar „ Actual problems of increasing methodology of studying at the economic specialties“ . Tbilisi State University, 1989, Georgia. Pp.15A4(in Georgian)
  89. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1982). Mathematical models for operating management and optimal planning for tea production. Conference „Quality and and production of the tea new products“.Tbilisi, 1982, Georgia (in Russian)
  90. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1987). Forecasting of the parameters for controling and planning of tea processing. Collection #5/81 of the Scientific Research Institute of Tbilisi, 1987, Georgia. Pp.3A4 (in Russian)
  91. Ruizan Mekvabidze(1985). The problem solving of tea processing by applying of statistical methods. Collection #2/72 of the Scientific Research Institute of Tbilisi, 1985 Georgia. Pp. 3A4(in Russian)
  92. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1983).Some of the tasks of the control of the tea processing. Collection #4/56 of the Scientific Research Institute of Tbilisi, 1983, Georgia. Pp. 4A4 (in Russian)
  93. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1983). Statistical analtsis of the time series of the distribution of tanina in a tea leaf. Collection #4/56 of the Scientific Research Institute of Tbilisi, 1983, Georgia. Pp. 4A4 (in Russian)
  94. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1983). The tasks of the management and controling of tea processing. Publiser: The Scientific Research Institute of Tbilisi, 1983, Georgia. Pp. 45A5 (in Russian)
  95. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1982). Incresing quality of tea product with the connection of the chosing of the scheme of cuirling. Abstract of the Republic Scientific-Technical Conference „ Better quality and processing of a new product“ Tbilisi, Georgia, 1982(in Russian)
  96. Ruizan Mekvabidze, L. Nadiradze, T. Tatulashvili.(1982). Development algorithmes and programmes for using micro-computer in the analitical device. Materials of the Republic Scientific-Technical Seminar „ The prospects of the development and using of the microprocessors and micro –pc“. Kiyv, Ukraine 1982. Pp. 2 (in Russian)
  97. Ruizan Mekvabidze, L. Nadiradze, T. Khinikadze (1982). The results of the development of devices for managing of information by using micro-pc for the analitical devices. Materials of the Republic Scientific-Technical Seminar „ The prospects of the development and using of the microprocessors and micro –pc“. Kiyv, Ukraine 1982. Pp. 2 (in Russian)
  98. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1981). Managing of tea processing. Collection #3/41 of the Scientific Research Institute of Tbilisi, 1981, Georgia. Pp. 3A4 (in Russian)
  99. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1981). Research and development of unbiased assessment methodology of tea raw. Materials of the Repulic Scientific Conference for Young Researchers „ Actual problems of food processing industry“, 1981, Tbilisi, Georgia. Pp.26 A4. in Russian)
  100. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1981). For the clarification of methdology for defining moisture in tea leaf. Materials of the Repulic Scientific Conference for Young Researchers „ Actual problems of food processing industry“, 1981, Tbilisi, Georgia. Pp.2 A4 (in Russian)
  101. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1981). Assessment of quality tea raw material by the comprehensive indicator. Bulletin of the International Research Institute of Tea production #3,1981. Pp. 2 (in Russian)
  102. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1981). The mechanical composition of tea raw material and its using in its processing. Materials of the Republic conference for young scientific specialists “Increasing quality of food products on the basis of improvement of technological schemes of labor production”, Makharadze-Anaseuli, 1981, Georgia (in Russian)
  103. Ruizan Mekvabidze, L. Nadiradze, T. Tatulashvili (1980). Algorithm processing of information in the system of „Atomic Absoritsionny spectrophotometer microcomputer“.Report on the Scentific-Technical meeting „Analitical Appliances“, Tbilisi, 1980. Pp. 6. (in Russian)
  104. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1980) .The Device for determining the grade of leaf tea. Republic Scientific Conference. Tbilisi, 1980. Pp. 3. (in Russian)
  105. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1980). Investigation of the relationship between indicators of chemical substances in green and fixed tea leaf. Bulletin „ Subtropical Cultures“ #2, 1980. Maxaradze, Anaseuli. Pp. 6 (in Russian)
  106. Ruizan Mekvabidze, L. Lominadze (1980). The establishment of representative samples to determine the quality of tea leaf. Bulletin „ Subtropical Cultures“ #1, 1980. Maxaradze, Anaseuli. Pp. 6 (in Russian)
  107. Ruizan Mekvabidze, L. Lominadze (1980). The Automated system for express analysis of of quality tea raw material. Materials of the conference „Utomating the definition of quality of raw materials, semi- and finished products in the food industry“. Kiyv, Ukraine, 1980. Pp.2, 1980. (in Russian)
  108. Ruizan Mekvabidze, G. Torondzadze (1980). The evaluation of the quality of tea leaf in the functioning of the automated system of quality of tea. Materials of the conference „Automating the definition of quality of raw materials, semi- and finished products in the food industry“. Kiyv, Ukraine, 1980. Pp.2, 1980. (in Russian)
  109. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1980) .The significance of the assessment of the mechanical composition of tea leaf for the express analysis of automated system. Materials of the conference „automating the definition of quality of raw materials, semi- and finished products in the food industry“. Kiyv, Ukraine, 1980. Pp.2, 1980. (in Russian)
  110. Ruizan Mekvabidze .Testing of the applicability of the normal distribution law when assessing the quality of tea. Report on the „Republic Scientific Conference of Young Scientists in the Frame of the Problems of Food Industry“. Scientific-Research Institute of Georgia, Tbilisi, 1980. Pp. 12 (in Russian) 
  111. Ruizan Mekvabidze, L. Lominadze, A. Bagdasarov (1979). For the problem of assessing of mechanical structure of tea raw. Bulletin „ Subtropical Cultures“ #32, 1979. Maxaradze, Anaseuli. Pp. 5 (in Russian)
  112. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1978).Studying the feasibility of developing a comprehensive indicator of an estimation quality tea raw material. Journal “Tea. Culture and Production“, #2/34., 1978. Pp. 6( in Russian)
  113. Mekvabidze Ruizan. Krikheli I., Kominadze L., Bagdasarov A. (1978). Change of quality of tea, depending on the size of the sample of tea leaf. Bulletin „ Subtropical Cultures“ #31, 1978. Maxaradze, Anaseuli. Pp. 10 (in Russian)
  114. Mekvabidze Ruiza, Krikheli I. (1977). For comprehensive indicator of an estimation quality of tea raw material. Abstractof the conference „Effective new methods and  tools for increasing thequantity of industrial products and its quality“. Tbilisi, Georgia. 1977.P.p.2, (in Russian)
  115. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1977).The problem on decision making of batch tea leaf processing. Abstractof the conference „Effective new methods and tools for increasing thequantity of industrial products and its quality“. Tbilisi, Georgia. 1977.P.p.2, (in Russian)
  116. Ruizan Mekvabidze (1977). Statistical Analysis of time series of tannin’s and humidity’s distribution in green tea leaf. Abstractof the conference „Effective new methods and tools for increasing the quantity of industrial products and its quality“. Tbilisi, Georgia. 1977.P.p.2, (in Russian)
  117. Mekvabidze Ruizan, Krikheli Iocif (1977). On represetativity of the sample for determination of the quality of tea leaf. . Abstractof the conference „Effective new methods and tools for increasing the quantity of industrial products and its quality“. Tbilisi, Georgia. 1977.P.p.2, (in Russian)


Events See All

the 11th international Scientific conference, dedicated to David the...

On February 28, 2025 the center of History and Archeology, faculty of Humanities organized the 11th international Scientific conference, dedicated to David the...

28 February, 2025 See More

A presentation of an educational project “Homeland Study”

A presentation of an educational project “Homeland Study” took place at GSU. The aim of the project is to strengthen awareness of Georgian ideas...

27 February, 2025 See More