Name: Giorgi
Last Name : Khorbaladze
Date of Birth : 30. 12. 1981 .
Address : Gori Tarkhnishvili st. #19/54
Marital Status : Married

Cell Phone:
577 95 55 84

1988-1999 . Kareli #2 Public School.
1999-2004 Gori State Univesity, the faculty of History-Jurisprudence, sp: Historian-Philologist, Qualification: Georgian Language, Georgian Literature and History Teacher. 2011-2013 PhD in Modern Georgian Literature and Theory of Literature at Sokhumi State University: Doctor of Philology
Additional Qualification and Organizational Work:
From 212 to 2016 – a member of Gori Municipality society chamber, from 2011 – a member of Georgian Writers Union, 2003-2004: the chairman of Student and Post-graduate students’ Union, GSTU; From 2013 Seminar- University Maintenance Issues and Managing/ Governing Higher Education Institutes ( The Ministry of Education and Science, Gudauri, 30 June-1 August); 2011 Training- Issues with Managing Educational Institutions and Novelties ( The ministry of Education and Science, Tbilisi, 22-23 February);2009 BRIDGE training (BRIDGE PROJECT) – Strategic planning and management of Organizations. (UNDP, IFES, Gori, 14-18 September)

2016 to Present- The Head of the Administration at GSTU; 2014 to present – Associated Professor at GSTU; 2016-2016- The Head of the Office of Human Resources GSTU; 2014-2016 The Head of the Administration, GSTU; 2012-2014 An Assistant- Professor at GSTU, 2012-2012 A Teacher of Georgian Literature at GSTU; 2010-2011 A Chairman of Resource center of Gori; 2010-2010 a Principle of # 3 Public School, 2008-2010 a chairman of Election Committee # 32; 2007-2008 a deputy of Election Committee # 32; 2006-2007 a secretary of Election Committee of #32; 2006-2006 a member of Election Committee #32; 2004-2006 Regional Coordinator of CIPDD
Scientific Works and Publications:
2016 Sadness of Violets (Main Tendencies of Goderdzi Chokheli’s Work)

1. Search of The Beginning and The End in Writers Work ( on “Red Desert” a book by Giorgi Sosiashvili) GSTU, the 10th international scientific conference “ Challenges and Perspectives of Internationalization of Higher Education , 17-18 November, 2017)
2. Towards The Path of Solomon Dodashvili ( On Biographical Novel on Missionaries by Rostom Chkheidze ) “ Georgian Word” ,-a paper, # 42 (408)2017, 25-31 October ,2017 .
3. Georgian-Ossetian Human Relations ,Beyond Russian Politics, Described in Contemporary Georgian Literature ( According to short stories of Giorgi Sosiashvili) Conference, Georgian-Ossetian relations scientific- research center, TSU, The 3rd international conference,” Georgian-Ossetian Relations- History and Present”, Tbilisi, 13-15 October 2017 .
4. ,,About a Least Know Poem of Niko Samadashvili’’ - 2nd International Conference on History, Art, Literature & Culture in South Caucasus and Black Sea Region; HALC-2017, September 26-27, Tbilisi, Georgia, Abstrscts book, 2017, p. 62;
5. Barbed-wire- a, new problem in modern Georgian literature( GSTU, The Faculty of Humanities, Center of Georgian language and literature, the 5th international scientific conference dedicated to Iakob Gogebashvili, June 14, 2017
6. Human Feelings during the war and occupation, through the context of Georgian and Foreign Literature (IBSU, The first international conference : History, Art, Literature and Culture in The Black Sea Region and South Caucasus, 2017, Tbilisi, p 167-174, Number of Pages 290, ISBN 978-9941-0-9998-4).
7. hypothetical Prototype of Haji-Usup in Society Where Akaki Tsereteli Lived and Wrote his Poem (Scientific Conference of GSTU Academic Personal , 2016, 24 June)
8. Human Feelings during the war and occupation, through the context of Georgian and Foreign Literature (GSTU, The 8th international scientific conference : Education in the XXI Century, 13-14 November, 2015)
9. Positive Character’s Possible Infamous sides according to “ Gamzrdeli” by Akaki Tsereteli ( GSTU, Scientific Conference dedicated to Akaki Tsereteli, 20 June, 2015)
10. Two sides of Barbed wire in Modern Georgian Literature ( according to two short stories of Giorgi Sosiashvili) ( the Article was published in Samtskhe-Javakheti University Journal “ Gulani” # 17/2015, Akhaltsikhe, Georgia, P 210-218, number of pages 268, ISSN 1987-6157).
11. 2014 წ. 2014- Some issues on exact date of “წამებაი ყრმათა წმიდათაი რიცხვით ცხრათაის“ (GSTU, International conference of GSTU academic personal, 24 July, GORI,
12. Methods fighting Christianity and how they are described in Paganism, Communism, Hagiography and The 20th century literature” , 28-29November, 2014, Gori, Georgia, education, economics and sustainable development , ( the article was published in GSTU, The seventh international conference, p 624-629 Number of Pages 704, ISBN 978-9941-0-7894-1).
13. 2014 წ. - Comperative analysis of the aspects of human relations according to the works of Prosper Merime and Goderdzi Chokheli, II International Conference "Development of Economics and Education" of Tajik State University of Commerce, p.p. 338-345 (ББК – 63.3.(точик) +67.99(2 точик) +65.9)
14. 2013წ. - EDUCATIONAL ASPECTS OF POSTMODERN TENDENCIES RESEARCH IN MODERN LITERATURE (GEORGIA CASE). 5th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. (EDULEARN13). International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED). Barcelona, Spain, 1st, 2nd and 3rd July, 2013 pp. 1819-1821 (ISBN: 978-84-616-3822-2).
15. 2012- Interpretation of life passages in Writer’s work and his Psychological Portrait ( Gamsakhurdia K, Dumbadze N.) GSTU, Collection of Works, Scientific Conference of GSTU Academic Personal, Gory 2012, p 165-169 (ISSN 2233-31, 93);
16. 2012 - Allegory as a Literatury Mode in the Works of the Georgian and Italian Writers (Comperative and Cognitive Analysis). International Academic Conference Science and Art. 29 October -1 November 2012, Roma. Published in the International Journal of Multidisciplinary Thought. 2012 Volume 02, Number 04, Copyright © 2012 pp. 221-223 (ISSN: 1943-6114)
17. 2012 - “Person” Without Borders and as a Sacrifice for Honour According to Prosper Mérimée and Goderdzi Chokheli. International Academic Conference Science and Art. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Thought. Volume 02, Number 04, Copyright © 2012 16-19 April, 2012, Paris, France, pp. 113-116 (ISSN: 2156-6992)
18. 2012 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS OF A WORK IN THE MODERN LEARNING PROCESS. 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2012), International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED). Proceedings of ICERI2012 Conference, 19th-21st November 2012, Madrid, Spain, pp. 4822-4825, A4 (ISBN: 978-84-616-0763-1)
19. Eternal Problems and how we envision them in modern short stories- EXODUS FROM HUMAN BODY , by Giorgi Sosiashvili, Journal “ Our University”#8, 2011, December, p 24-25 (ISSN 2233-3185);

2007 - ,, Picture of Rein“ (Poetry)
2003 - Somnolent dawn“ (Poetry)

Georgian (native)
Russian (good)


Events See All

the 11th international Scientific conference, dedicated to David the...

On February 28, 2025 the center of History and Archeology, faculty of Humanities organized the 11th international Scientific conference, dedicated to David the...

28 February, 2025 See More

A presentation of an educational project “Homeland Study”

A presentation of an educational project “Homeland Study” took place at GSU. The aim of the project is to strengthen awareness of Georgian ideas...

27 February, 2025 See More