About the Jean Monnet CHAIRS „EU Social Justice“ EU-SJ

31 August,2024

Jean Monnet CHAIRS (101172755 — EU-SJ) proposal submitted by the Gori State University was evaluated positively and it gained support from the EU (European Commission) side.

Fundamental values - democracy, equality, freedom do not exist without social justice. Social Justice broadly is integrated into all policies of the EU. Even trade and internal market includes provisions on SJ forming sustainable development for all. The EU established most protected and decent area for dignity of citizens.

Georgia is the EU membership candidacy country. Georgia has commitments to develop democracy, human rights, rule of law. In order to achieve democracy and Europeanization, it is first necessary to establish the European style of social justice policy and life in Georgia. This Idea of EU and its social justice cannot be clear without knowledge about the EU.

JM Chairs will be focused on teaching and researching about the EU citizenship, EU labor, EU consumer, EU youth policy, Business Management and Leadership, EU Education policy and other aspects establishing proper knowledge about EU SJ.

The Chairs will be implemented by the Gori State University. It is situated in region of Shida Kartli with ethnic minorities and IDPs a few kilometers away from occupied territories from Russia. So EU studies is important priority here.

The JM Chairs will address the following general objectives:

  1. Promote EU Studies - teaching and research.
  2. Reach out to a wider public and spread knowledge about the EU to the wider society (beyond academia and specialized audiences) bringing the EU closer to the public.
  3. Promote EU values and enhance the visibility of what the European Union stands for and what it intends to achieve.

The Chairs reaches priority target groups:

  • University students who directly come into contact with EU law studies.
  • University students who do not automatically and directly come into contact with EU studies.
  • (University students of different programs: Law; Business Management; Public Administration; University students at different BA and MA programs);
  • University Academia/lecturers (who should develop their knowledge, awareness, research skills and curriculums with regard to EU).
  • University administration staff/representatives (management, Youth Hub; International Relations Office; etc).
  • Regional population, especially: school teachers, pupils, media, local public bodies representatives.

To achieve objectives, the following general actions are planned within the framework
of the JM Chairs:

  • Elaboration or enhancement of Syllabuses of teaching courses: a) “Comparative Labour Law” at the MA law program; b) “Organizational Management” at the BA Business Management Program; c) “Leadership” at the MA Business Management Programs; d) “Public Law” at the BA Public Administration Program; “EU law” at the BA law and BA public administration programs. All teaching courses should touch EU matters, policies, standards of social justice and create the good command of knowledge about the EU.
  • Teaching of above-mentioned courses.
  • Elaboration and approval of the tailor-made training module “EU Social Justice”. Training module will be consist of different mini-training modules (on different 7 topics/fields) about the EU policies. It will be designed for reaching the people outside the GSU and communicate strongly with regional population, among policy-makers and decision-makers.
  • Conducting trainings according to the training module.
  • Lecture of the Visiting Professor from Poland (University of Gdansk) for GSU professors on the topic “EU Social Policy”.
  • Establishing the research component directly concerned to the EU: the conference on “EU Social Justice and Georgian Practices”. Conference’s concept, goals, standards will be developed and distributed in advance. Registration for the conference will be conducted. Conference papers/abstract will be edited and published.
  • Creation of the Chair web-page (in Georgian and English languages) and enhance the
  • visualization and information policy about the EU.
  • Enhance and empower the GSU Youth Hub to better communicate with population/youth about the EU (deliver different actions, videos, flash-mobs, flyers).
  • Evaluate, create and publish the manual/guideline on “EU Social Justice” prepared by the Chair professor and her team.
  • Publish the scientific article of Chair Professor about the outcomes and dissemination results of the Chairs implementation.

The period for the implementation of the Chairs is 3 years - September 2024-August 2027.


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