Edward Raupp
Edward Raupp—soldier, business executive, educator. As a Peace Corps Volunteer in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia from 2003 to 2006, he was a member of the Faculty of English Language and Literature at Gori State University, where he is now a full Professor of Humanities. He has taught English literature, economics, statistics, and other courses in Georgia, Tanzania, and the United States.
He earned a BS from Carnegie Mellon University; MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania; MA in English Language and Literature from the University of Minnesota; PhD in Economics from The University of Georgia in Tbilisi, and PhD in English Language and Literature from Selinus University in Bologna, Italy. He graduated with distinction from the Army Command and General Staff College and the United States Naval War College and retired from the Army as a colonel in 1978.
After Peace Corps, he was co-founder and first Chancellor of The University of Georgia, Tbilisi, and is its Emeritus Distinguished Professor.
He is married to the former Danna Hilary Vance. As a team, they teach Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Academic Writing, and Critical Thinking at Gori State University and taught Economics by distance learning at Great Bay Community College in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. He is the founder of the Milton Society of Georgia. Edward and Danna are at home in Gori with a large extended Georgian family.